
Devastation, pain, and loss often act as catalysts for cracking your heart open. Yet, it’s the act of forgiving those who participated in such pain, devastation, and loss that truly opens your heart to the point where it cannot close again. This doesn’t mean you need to trust those who betrayed you, or act as if you’re ok with the circumstances in view. Instead, forgiveness is a moment of existential gratitude where you find the depth, courage, and strength to thank each character in sight for the role they play in the evolution of your consciousness. 

Even when forgiveness invites you to thank the things you’d rather oppose, judge, or deny, only gifts of healing are offered when your willingness to change frees you from demanding change from anything or anyone else. You don’t have to like what has happened, or even love the circumstances you face, in order to thank the Spirit within each character for bringing exactly what you needed to shine as never before. Shining your light doesn’t necessarily mean feeling wonderful all the time, but being aware of a deeper spiritual reality blossoming throughout the ups and downs of life. 

Whether you’re aware of this deeper reality or not, you always deserve more love, not less. This is the heart of transformation. Matt Kahn.